Re: gnome-terminal crashes (redhat 8.0)

On Thu, 8 May 2003, Christoph Kukulies wrote:

> Since there seems to be no special gnome-terminal mailing list
> I joined this list to report a gnome-terminal problem:
> With a redhat 8.0 system I installed and upgraded with redhat up2date
> to the latest state and with 2.4.18 kernel , gnome-terminal 2.0.1
> I'm observing the strangest things with broken pipes:
> man ls
> or
> man grep
> always leads to
> gunzip: Broken pipe
> and grotty: stdin Broken pipe (or something similar).

If you say man ls from the console (outside of X and all), does it work?

-- m

Mariano Suarez Alvarez
Departamento de Matematica - Universidad Nacional de Rosario
Pellegrini 250 - Rosario 2000 - Argentina

    De la observacion de la irreductibilidad de las creencias ultimas
    he sacado la mayor leccion de mi vida. Aprendi a respetar las ideas
    ajenas, a detenerme ante el secreto de las conciencias, a entender
    antes de discutir, a discutir antes de condenar. Y como estoy en
    vena de confesiones, hago una mas, quizas superflua: detesto con
    toda mi alma a los fanaticos.

    Norberto Bobbio, Italia civil.


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