Re: Not-so-newbie question: volume control

On Sat, 27 Dec 2003, Geoff Hacker wrote:

> Joao Palhoto Matos wrote:
> >With right mouse button on the panel choose
> >
> >Add to Panel
> >   Multimedia
> >       Volume Control
> >  
> >
> OK, doing that, and cranking the volume up to max, the sound is still 
> MUCH SOFTER than it was before. I distinctly remember having a panel 
> with many different volume controls on it that would adjust the volume 
> on many different components of the system, from the speakers to the CD 
> player. Using that control panel, I had been able to increase the volume 
> to quite a reasonable level, certainly much higher than the hush I now 
> have. I have read the documentation on the GNOME Volume Control Applet 
> V2.2. It says to access additional functionality for working with 
> volume, right-click on the applet and choose 'run audio mixer', which 
> sounds like the sort of thing I used to have. Yet when I right-click on 
> the applet, there is no option to 'run audio mixer', just 'mute', 
> 'help', 'about...', 'remove from panel' and 'move'! Does anybody know 
> what might have happened to make the audio mixer disappear from my 
> volume control, and how I might go about getting it back?
> Thanks,
> Geoff

With right mouse button click the volume control icon on the panel. Choose 
"Open Volume Control"

João Palhoto Matos           
Departamento de Matemática
Instituto Superior Técnico
Lisboa                                      mailto:jmatos math ist utl pt

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