compiling some gnome stuff

I'm compiling linc for Gnome 2.2. I'm pretty sure that the meat of the
build went successfully, but when I get to the *** Building HTML ***
output from make, openjade seems to have some issues finding some XML
templates (or something like that, I don't know much about XML) which
makes sense to me since I never told it where they were located. There
are errors like:

  /bin/openjade:../linc-docs.sgml:10:16:E: element "BOOK" undefined
  /bin/openjade:/opt/gtk-doc/gtk-doc-1.0/share/gtk-doc/gtk-doc.dsl:1:73:W: cannot generate system identifier for public text "-//James Clark//DTD DSSSL Style Sheet//EN"

It is also possible that my openjade install is not quite what it
should be.

I didn't do anything too strange in the configure for linc:

  ./configure --with-ssl-dir=/opt/openssl/openssl-0.9.6g --with-openssl --prefix=/opt/linc/linc-1.0.1

I suspect it is looking for docbook-XML and docbook-xls files. I
installed them in the way that I like to install things:

$ ls /opt/docbook-XML/docbook-XML-4.2
ChangeLog    calstblx.dtd  dbgenent.mod  dbpoolx.mod          docbookx.dtd
README       catalog.XML   dbhierx.mod  ent
README.dist  dbcentx.mod   dbnotnx.mod          soextblx.dtd

$ ls /opt/docbook-xsl/docbook-xsl-1.60.1
BUGS                VERSION                    docsrc      javahelp   tools
ChangeLog           WhatsNew                   extensions  lib        xhtml
README              common                     fo          manpages
RELEASE-NOTES.html  debian                     html        params
RELEASE-NOTES.XML   doc                        htmlhelp    profiling
TODO                docbook-xsl-1.60.1.tar.gz  images      template

Is there a standard place for this stuff? The documentation that comes
with these two archives is pretty minimal. For example, the docbook-xsl
README says this about installation:


  Unpack the distribution somewhere.

Maybe this stuff is obvious to someone who uses XML on a day to day

Thanks for any help you can offer (and sorry for my organization's
rather particular style of directory structure),


PS: This is what my openjade configure line looked like in case that is
    helpful (also not complicated except to point it at some libraries):

./configure --prefix=/opt/openjade/openjade-1.3.2 --enable-spincludedir=/opt/opensp/opensp-1.5/include/OpenSP --enable-splibdir=/opt/opensp/opensp-1.5/lib

Some other configure options that looks useful are --enable-http
--enable-default-catalog= and --enable-default-search-path= which I
could experiment with if no one else has any suggesions.

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