Re: compiling some gnome stuff

On Tue, 8 Apr 2003 brendan cs uchicago edu wrote:

> makes sense to me since I never told it where they were located. There
> are errors like:
>   /bin/openjade:../linc-docs.sgml:10:16:E: element "BOOK" undefined
>   /bin/openjade:/opt/gtk-doc/gtk-doc-1.0/share/gtk-doc/gtk-doc.dsl:1:73:W: cannot generate system identifier for public text "-//James Clark//DTD DSSSL Style Sheet//EN"

The problem here is that openjade can't tell where you have the DSSSL
Style Sheet installed.

You can get them (if you don't have them yet installed) from
This is not listed in the gnome package list (I guess that's because
most distributions install them?) I had them, but most gtk-doc
documentation seems to be using a rather old version of the DocBook
stylesheets, so I had to go and install this gtk-doc-extra package

Once you install that (this is a not a configure;make;make install
package: just untar it and copy everything to, say;
/your_gnome_prefix/share/;, and then say

  export SGML_CATALOG_FILES=/your_gnome_prefix/share/gtk-doc-extra-0.1/sgml.catalog

While you are at this, you might download other docbook dsssl files I
did need when compiling other parts of gnome (the Norman Walsh
stylesheets) if you don't have them yet. They're available from
You untar this, put it somewhere, and add the catalog file which sits in
the top directory to the SGML_CATALOG_FILES (which is a : separated list
of OASIS-style SGML catalogs)

Hope this helps, (This pointers might be added to GNOME's install

-- m

Mariano Suarez Alvarez
Departamento de Matematica - Universidad Nacional de Rosario
Pellegrini 250 - Rosario 2000 - Argentina

    De la observacion de la irreductibilidad de las creencias ultimas
    he sacado la mayor leccion de mi vida. Aprendi a respetar las ideas
    ajenas, a detenerme ante el secreto de las conciencias, a entender
    antes de discutir, a discutir antes de condenar. Y como estoy en
    vena de confesiones, hago una mas, quizas superflua: detesto con
    toda mi alma a los fanaticos.

    Norberto Bobbio, Italia civil.


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