Re: Are these "troubles" due to RedHat 8 or Gnome 2 ?

On 11 Oct 2002, Havoc Pennington wrote:

> Sander Vesik <Sander Vesik Sun COM> writes: 
> > It is besides the point - it is inherently wrong to design a GUI that
> > relies on the user going to the command line to change things.
> So should we have a GUI to change your panel? How about to change your
> file manager? How about a GUI to select the prefs dialog in which you
> select the panel? Or a GUI to select the prefs dialog in which you
> select the prefs dialog in which you select the panel? I know, the
> panel should let you select the prefs dialog app, and the prefs dialog
> app should let you select the panel.

Actually, yes we should - whenever somebody writes a new panel. Just as
people should have an option to choose what pdf viewer they want to use by
default (and that should just dynamicly change which one gets launched
from menues) instead of having to navigate to the prefered one via some
obscure menu path or having duplicates. The same applies to the capplet
collection, the file manager, and any other part of functionality in which
you have multiple credible choices for the same functionality.

Yes, you can sort of hack around some of this by menu editing.

> For most users, if they change their window manager, their desktop
> will be BROKEN. The keybindings will change; what mouse clicks on
> windows do will change; the docs won't apply anymore; the theme
> capplet probably won't work; etc. We don't want "break my desktop"
> buttons in the default GUI. It's nonsense.

Chances are they would find it much more useful thing to change than a
'change my desktop environment' capplet or having sawfish capplets
(which not only don't come up if you aren't running sawfish but wouldn't 
accomplish anything even if they did) in an extra preferences menu. 

Oh, and the claims about docs not aplpying are just plain wrong - people
would just look at the different documents, help buttons would connect to
a different place, etc.  

> Havoc


	There are voices in the street,
	And the sound of running feet,
	And they whisper the word --

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