Re: Are these "troubles" due to RedHat 8 or Gnome 2 ?

On Fri, Oct 11, 2002 at 04:33:10PM +0100, iain wrote:
> On Fri, 2002-10-11 at 15:54, Geoffrey wrote:
> > 
> > That is absolute crap.  Windows users change there desktop appearance 
> > all the time. 
> How often do they change window managers?

Several times in the last while actually.  I've played with metacity,
gone back to sawfish, and now am back on metacity, trying to see if I
can survive some of it's limitations (not being able to put windows/apps
in an 'ignored' state for alt-tabbing (ie: gkrellm2, xmms) for example).
I'm not joe user, but I'm also not a super power user.  I'm just a linux
user, programmer type, who likes playing with things.

> Once you find one you like
> you generally stick with it.

Until you see someone else with a cool set up and go "hey, I want my
desktop to look like that".

> And by the time they're savvy enough to know what a 
> window manager is, 
> they're savvy enough to know what gconf-editor is too.

Yup, but editing things through gconf-editor is not very friendly at
all.  Hell, half the linux people I know's main bitch about windows is
the registry, and now we have to use the linux version to do things? 

That's my take anyway, but I'm enough of an experienced user that I can
find my way around things.


Alan "Arcterex" <alan ufies org>   -=][=-
"I used to herd dairy cows. Now I herd lusers. Apart from the isolation, I
think I preferred the cows. They were better conversation, easier to milk, and
if they annoyed me enough, I could shoot them and eat them." -Rodger Donaldson

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