Re: Are these "troubles" due to RedHat 8 or Gnome 2 ?

On Fri, 2002-10-11 at 07:54, Geoffrey wrote:
> Alan wrote:
> > On Fri, Oct 11, 2002 at 09:01:31AM -0500, Paul E Johnson wrote:
> > 
> >>I installed RH8 on a clean system and have some troubles. I have some 
> >>config problems.  If these are due to the much discussed RedHat 
> >>"improvements" and "simplifications", please let me know and I'll get 
> >>Gnome some other way.
> >>
> >>1. How do you choose a Window Manager? That choice is gone from the 
> >>config setup.
> > 
> > 
> > No normal user would ever want to do this, so there is no config option.
> That is absolute crap.  Windows users change there desktop appearance 
> all the time.  The more sophisticated Linux user wants more control not 
> less.  There's nothing wrong with providing such functionality, even for 
> the less techincally oriented.

Yes you are right here but you forgot to mention that the more
sophisticated user would understand a simple procedure of killing one
process, for example (metacity) and starting another (sawfish) and so, 
doesn't require the option to be available in a preference window.

This is a somewhat basic understanding of Linux/UNIX you are talking
about here.  In a round about way this will force the user wanting more
changes to actually learn more.

George Farris <george gmsys com>

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