Re: anjutas custom file dialog

On Wed, 2002-05-29 at 04:34, Simon Wong wrote:
> I personally find the anjuta a bit unusual (the rest of the product is
> excellent).
> Probably the main functionality I think is missing is support for tab
> completion.  I like the way it works in the "standard" gnome one.

That's actually a history. The fileselector is fully functional in the
cvs, including autocompletion and history activation (how is it said?).

> I also find it strang you can't type paths into the path field.

That is actually a history combo and not a path entry. It keeps track of
the history of directories visited (just like the regular GTK
fileselector). Unlike the GTK version, it, of course, remembers all the
paths and not just dumbly list the parents alone.

> Keep up the good work (CVS support pleeeeeeease).

Try out from the cvs. :) or wait for the release which will happen very


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