Re: Newbie Question

Staven Bruce <Staven Bruce valleyair org> schrieb am 07.03.02:
> I'm using GNOME on a brand new Compaq DL350 server with 500MB RAM and a 1.0
> GHz proc. Now foregoing the "why are using a GUI on a server" discussion, I
> had something peculiar happen I wanted to as all of you about.
> I was configuring BIND on the machine, using a couple of term windows. When
> I finished, I hit the Lock Icon on the GNOME Panel, and it did not respond.
> I tried a couple of other Icons but the only one that would respond was the
> GNOME menu panel. I notices at this point, that my basic three desktop icons
> were gone. I elected to reboot the machine, and then log back in using the
> same "admin" account I was using. Everything seemed to be working fine,
> however the icons did not come back. I then logged out and logged back in as
> ROOT, and everything was present and working for ROOT, including the desktop
> icons. 
> I am assuming that the desktop "crashed" on me, however, I do not know how
> to restore it to what it was. Plus, is there anyway I can prevent this from
> happening again ?]
I asume you changed the name of your machine while Gnome-session was running.
I  had the same experience with Gnome-1.x The problem might be some session files that are bound to machine-id.

Regards, Frank

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