Gnome 2 questions

Hi, I'm moving from Gnome 1.4 to Gnome 2, and I'd like to know how I can
set things the way I used to have them.

    Can I set right click on menu to toggle raise/lower?  In sawfish on
    Gnome 1, you could have two identically sized windows stacked on top
    of each other and switch between them by right clicking the title. 

    Is there a way to hide windows from the task list like you can in

    When I double click the title to "shade" the window, I get an
    animation.  How can I disable this animation?

Panel (Window List):
    In Gnome1, clicking on the the task in the WindowList toggled
    between minimizing/restoring the window.  Now clicking on the task
    just switches to the task.  How can I switch this?            

    Also when minimizing a window, I get "shrinking into the panel"
    animation.  I want to disable this, too.  (Does this go in the
    Metacity section?)

    I use an edge panel, and in Gnome1, I made the WindowList a certain
    size (the default setting is to enlarge and shrink the panel when
    tasks come and go).  I'd like to force a size on the WindowList in
    Gnome2, but doing so made the task buttons really tall.  Is there a
    way to stop the "auto-fill" of task list buttons?

Panel (Workspace Switcher):
    Is there a way in the WorkspaceSwitcher to have "mini-desktops", or
    small images of the contents of the windows, rather than just blank
    squares (some with icons)?

Panel (General):
    For some reason, the edge panels seem to be taking up space on the
    screen, even when they aren't.  For example, I have an edge panel on
    the top of my screen, on the right corner.  But even though most of
    the top of the screen is empty, I can't move windows to the very top
    of my screen, I'm limited to the bottom of the panel (though nothing
    is there).  However, this seems to affect different windows
    differently - gkrellm (gnome1 app) or gnome-terminal (gnome2) can't
    move past the invisible barrier but galeon (gnome1) can.

Gnome Terminal:
    Can I put the tabs on the bottom of the window?

    Do the tabs have to "auto-fill" the width of the window as well?

    I can't seem to switch to the fonts, installed by the debian
    packages "xfonts-gimpers" or "xfonts-artwiz". I see them in the
    "Edit Profile" selection, but they won't change the font of the
    window.  The window gives no error messages. 

Thanks a lot for any help, and please CC me, I'm not subscribed.
    // joey tsai

           |  MALEFACTOR, n.  The chief factor in the progress of the human
 joey tsai |  race.
           |                       -- Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Dictionary"

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