Re: Gnome Lock Down

On Mon, 2002-06-10 at 10:32, Adam Williams wrote:
> >I am building an Internet cafe (using ltsp). I want to
> >lock down the desktop and the menus so that nobody can
> >fool around and change or delete icons etc. How can I
> >do that 

That's something I have been wondering for a while, as we use win2k/NT
on our Desktops at work, and trying to convince the boss to switch to
Gnome (as 50% of our servers run linux, so thats half the battle), 

but he wants the desktops locked down like in windows for the users (as
sys admins were trusted, which is a damn good policy is u ask me), so
currently Linux on the desktop is a, due to this 

> The simplest solution is to make a .gnome and .gnome-desktop somewhere
> and copy them back to $HOME everytime a user logins in.  Then they can
> change things but everything reverts between users.

But they can still edit the menus and run other programs and just open a
terminal and type away (that would be the first thing to go in this

> I know it isn't exactly what you want, but currently GNOME doesn't have
> anything like "policies",  which is a real bloody shame. 

I cannot see it being that hard to do (but I'm not a programmer, so I
cannot really comment)

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