Re: Restoring desktop configuration

On Mon, 2002-06-03 at 16:35, Robert Ian Smit wrote:

> Something wreaked havoc on my Gnome-desktop last week. I believe it
> was Galeon having loaded a website that threw up a bunch of "install
> crap" dialogs. I lost my panels and all toolbars and buttons on
> windows. I could use the terminal for instance but could not move,
> resize or configure options. After logging in again, the same thing
> happened. There was an error message, but that vanished before I
> could read it. Something about a deskguide I think.

It sounds like sawfish died for some reason.
> It is safe to assume that something like this will happen again some
> time. What then are the obvious files to remove? I guess files
> regarding to sessions and dynamic config-files. Which are these?

Typing sawfish & in the terminal which you still had access to would
have restored window controls and let you safely exit without losing any

> On a related note, is there something like a Gnome-user community
> apart from this list akin to what you will find when you hit the
> homepage of that other desktop environment.

If you mean web boards etc. there is a small, fledgeling community at, but much of the news and information is
drawn from here, from other lists and from


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Anonymous citizen of Ashkebad, Turkmenistan, BBC Radio 4 2002-05-25

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