Re: Nautilus and HTML-view

On Mon, 2002-07-08 at 14:13, Klaus Dahlke wrote:
> Hi all,
you must install GtkHTML to see HTML pages.
For Debian you have nautilus2-gtkhtml (NautilusView component which
embeds a GtkHTML widget, as apt says).
There are nautilus2-mozilla, that is a Nautilus component for use with


> I compiled nautilus-2.0.0 from tarball withthe options:
> ./configure --prefix=/opt/gnome2
> --with-mozilla-lib-place=/usr/local/mozilla/ mozilla
> --with-mozilla-include-place=/usr/include/mozilla --enable-static=no
> Compile and Install run without problems. But if I try to access a
> html-file locally or a web-side (e.g. only the
> html-coding is shown, not as a webpage. Also when not using mozilla and
> having libgtkhtml installed, only the html code is shown, not the
> web-page.
> I tried to find the place where I can change the entry and defaults for
> the standard command. For some, at least to me,unknown reason the
> standard application for html-files is 'view as text' and nautilus shows
> various view methods (netscape, lynx, galeon) on the left side. I tred
> to set another default application in the 'file-types programs', but
> with no effect.
> Here now my questions:
> 1) what is to be done to get nautilus work with mozilla
> 2) where are the default application for a file-type stored (categories?
> mime-types?)
> 3) how to change/add an application to the category default
> Thanks and best regards,
> Klaus
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