Re: Desktop Icons With Nautilus

Well, that works  and results in the same thing as what I was doing
(which was creating/editing the file in .gnome-desktop by hand). Your
way has the immediate problem of adding an applicaiton to the desktop
that isn't on the menus (StarOffice for example).

Creating/Editing the files by hand is what I've been doing, and it does
work with most applications. I've gotten Evolution, and Pan, and some
others on the desktop that way.  I haven't tried SO yet, That will be
next. I was just hoping for a better method. Your method is a good
shortcut to that.
Maybe the folks at gnome (nautilus?) need to look at this?

This method will not produce a working Netscape icon though. I always
get an error from Netscape about not being able to open stderr. So
there's a problem with that (I don't use Netscape anymore anyway. BUT,
it does show a problem). I don't get that from the desktop on KDE.

Thanks for all the suggestions. Bot on, and off the list.
Adding a floating panel on the side was another suggestion I received.
It's not quite what I was looking for, but has the advantage of being
able to add applets. ;)

On Thu, 2002-01-24 at 13:42, Rick wrote:
> The way I create the desktop icons with Nautilus as follows:
> 1. Open a Nautilus window for your .gnome-desktop folder
> 2. Open the Gnome program menu.
> 3. In order to create a desktop icon, drag the application from the Gnome
> menu to the .gnome-desktop folder and drop it there.
> This will create a copy of the "link" on your desktop.
> Rick
> -- 
> Rick Friedman
> rickfriedman onebox com - email
> (212) 894-3753 x1212 - voicemail/fax
> "He's dead, Jim. You get his wallet. I'll get his tricorder."
> ---- Ric Tibbetts <ric chadera net> wrote:
> > All;
> > I've been all over the map on this one, so I thought I'd ask here.
> > 
> > I'm trying to add "launchers" on the desktop in Gnome/Nautilus (ala
> > KDE). So I can have an icon to start the browser, or my mail app, etc,
> > on the desk top (saves digging through menus).
> > 
> > I've been able to make it work by  manually adding files to
> > .gnome-desktop, but these always present errors. 
> > 
> > Is this documtented anywhere? I looked through the Nautilus
> > documentation and couldn't find anything useful. I know you can drag
> > files onto the desk top, but that's not what I want.
> > 
> > Can some one shed some light on this?
> > 
> > TIA!
> > -- 
> > Ric Tibbetts
> > 
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