dialog window behavior

I have two questions regarding the behavior of dialogs that I have not
been able to resolve with help or Gnome Config Center. I run Sawfish
with Gnome 1.4 and RH 7.1.

For example, I have an application that can open a file in a simple
editor window. That window remembers its location and size. However,
with a click of the RMB, I can open a menu for that window that allows
me decide if I want to search text or Save As..., etc. When I click
one of these menu items, a little dialog pops up asking for the term
to search for or what to save the file as. The two following questions
relate to these dialogs.

a) How do you get the dialog to remember its last position rather
than default to a position at the center of the screen? Sawfish window
manager configuration allows you to select the method of dialog window
placement, but neither the default "none" nor the "interactively"
options do what I want. The info I need to type in tends to be
located at the center of the screen, and so I must move the window
each time I want to use it

b) When the dialog pops up, it forces the parent window to hide behind 
other windows. How do I recover a "stack" window behavior (the z-index
of every new window leaves it on top of older windows) rather than a
"queue" behavior (the z-index of every every new window changes to 0
so that the oldest window is on top) that seems the Sawfish default?  

    Haines Brown
      brownh connix com
      kb1grm arrl net

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