gnome control-center-

If anybody can help me, it would be greatly appreciated, it'll save hours and hours of work from going down the ..

I have a Debian system or had a Debian system. I have uninstalled all the components of X and Gnome. I also recompiled the kernel-2.2.19 so that my printer will work - thankfully that is now working.

I installed the base gnome libraries from Gnome Download Source. './configure', for control-center, gnome-core and gnome applets seems to do the Makefiles without errors. I had to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH="*" in the env to get this far. I am certain I have taken care of all the version requirements for libraries. 'Make', for all three applications returns errors as follows -
	control-center - error - missing file widget .o or something 	similar
 	gnome-core - error - edit.o and a parse error close to edit.o

	gnome-applets - error - sound monitor

Has anybody else had similar errors? If so how was it fixed? Am I missing a library, application etc?

Thanks in advance.

R Nathan

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