enormously big fonts in gnomecc


I am running the latest ximian gnome on RH7.0, which I religiously update to
the latest version with red carpet, whenever the new version of something
appears. Ever since the last batch of updates I am having a problem with
font size in gnomecc. Or at least this was when I noticed it, because I
don't use gnomecc very often. The problem is that fonts in gnomecc are big.
Huge. Enormous. 

It also happened once or twice in evolution, specifically the message view
and message compose window showed huge fonts (although it is back to normal
today, maybe it's the wheather or something :-), so I think the problem is
not in gnomecc itself, but rather in some shared gnome component.

Anybody knows what is wrong? Or how to fix it?

janusz gorycki intel com

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