trying to install gnome again

I am in the process of installing gnome again on my macintosh G4 using Fink.

Xfree86, XDarwin, OroborOSX, and MacGimp all work fine by the way.

So when I use Fink to install bundle-gnome there is an error with the audiofile-0.2.1-2

The error happens also when I try to install audiofile by itself

Here's the error log :


/bin/sh ./mkinstalldirs /sw/share/aclocal
 /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ./audiofile.m4 /sw/share/aclocal/audiofile.m4
(cd /sw/src/root-audiofile-0.2.1-2/sw/lib && ln -s libaudiofile.0.dylib libaudiofile-0.2.0.dylib)
cd: no such file or directory: /sw/src/root-audiofile-0.2.1-2/sw/lib
###  failed, exit code 1
Failed: installing audiofile-0.2.1-2 failed

Can anybody help ? I'm a total unix newbie !


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