Re: Please help me!! I've posted this question 5 other places now, with not a single response!!

ons 2001-11-07 klockan 14.48 skrev James Simons:
> Hello All,
> I'm new to Linux, and installed Redhat 7.2 on a system here about a week 
> ago.  Yesterday I decided to change some DNS info and after I rebooted 
> it won't let me into GNOME.   When I log in I log into localhost like 
> normal, but at the command prompt I'm root localhost root.  I'd like to 
> leave it this way, but I really need to get back into GNOME, because I 
> really don't have much of a clue otherwise.  Hell, I have to reboot the 
> computer just to exit emacs because I have NO idea how to save and exit 
> a file...wish I did.  Is there some way I can change a gnome 
> configuration file to allow me to go into GNOME now?  All that I can 
> figure that happened is that GNOME looks for a specific host when you 
> logon and if that host is not found then it doesn't load.  Is this right?

basically yes.

to save a file in emacs so C-x C-s (where C- is control) to save and
exit use C-x C-c.

what does "hostname" tell you?  is that hostname in /etc/hosts?  If not
put it there.

> Additionally, I decided to install RH 7.2 on  my system that I have at 
> home.  During boot up, it connects to Road Runner through my NIC and 
> gets a ip address.  When it does get an ip address it won't take me into 
> GNOME wither.  It says c login: and when I do log in I am root c   When 
> the NIC doesn't get an ip from road runner (unplugged the cable) I 
> bypass the command prompt and go into GNOME.  This is really getting 
> frustrating ;-)

My guess is that you have set up so that your computer changes hostname
to whatever you get from your ISP.  When it does that the DNS needs to
be correct or gnome will not work.  I think you should set your hostname
once and make dhcp not change your hostname.  Go into the
network-configurator for redhat and see if you can set it there.. I
don't use redhat so I don't know how it works...

Alternatively you could set up so that the DNS is correct.  Do you have
the correct DNS in /etc/resolv.conf?


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