Re: Release?

On Mon, 2001-11-05 at 15:15, Charles Iliya Krempeaux wrote:
> Well,
> THe official release has not happened yet.  (From what I've
> heard, it will probably be in February.)  However, you can
> get `preview' releases.  This, is especially useful if
> you are a developer (like me).
> To get a preview release of GNOME 2, you have 2 oe 3 options.
> Option 1, you could get gnomehide.  Check out:
> Option 2, you could get it from Ximian's Red Carpet (if you are
> also running Red Hat Linux 7.1 or 7.2).  If you are running Red Hat
> Linux 7.1 (like I am), you're going to have a bit of a problem since
> some of the RPM are missing.  But never fear, there's a way to fix
> it.  To get Ximian's GNOME 2 developer snapshots working with Red Hat
> Linux 7.1, follow these instructions:
>     With Red Hat Linux 7.1 and Ximian GNOME, and want GNOME 2, you'll
>     have a bit of a problem.  Red Carpet won't be able to find
>     pkgconfig, fam, fam-devel, or gtk-doc.  (pkgconfig is the one
>     that stops you from downloading almost all the the development
>     packages, since they all, almost, depend on it.)

you shouldn't need fam or fam-devel on 7.1.

i'm going to fix the pkgconfig / gtk-doc problem right now.

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	-- bt

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