Re: Gnome fails to run on Solaris 8 ultra sparc II

Hello, Gregory.

> Hello here
> I have quite a problem making gnome work on solaris 8. I got the latest
> libs (gtk+ 1.2.9, imlib 1.9.9, gnome-libs 1.2.12, gtk-engines 0.11,
> audiofile 0.2.1, esound 2.22). Everything compiles fine but most of gnome
> apps don't work (not all of them crash, for example gnomecc (from
> control-center 1.2.2) works fine). All of those that fail receive SIGSEGV
> in the same place. Here's a typical stack trace for gnome-terminal (from
> gnome-core 1.2.4):

Try to recompile gtk+ without xim support.

# ./configure --disable-xim
#  make

Funamoto Kazuhisa ( combat RogueLife org )

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