Re: gnome-init fails

John wrote :
> cp ~<the user>/.Xauthority ~

Ach.. Does nobody know how to share a Magic Cookie ?
So let me teach it to you so..

user localhost > touch ~/.rhosts && echo "$HOST root" >> ~/.rhosts

root localhost # xauth extract - $HOST:0 | rsh $HOST -l user xauth merge - 

if $HOST:0 is not your display but :0 is, then change it in the last
line.. You could just put it in the /root/.login file (or whatever your
have..) to do it automagically when you do "su -"

I think this is very useful when you are, for example, in a university
and you work with another guy.. Or when you have different account on
different box with different ~.


	 Dams Nadé
DEA Informatique : anvil amin unice fr
Association AMIN :
Irc Operator     : Anvil on IrcNet.Eurecom.Fr

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