logion weirdness

I decided to give debian progeny a try  and I'm using "testing" with

I've posted to progeny list but as yet no reply so possibly its not
debian issue directly...

at my login screen when I enter "login" it doesn't readily give me
password screen ...it kinda hangs thinking about it like its
wrong....then the next screen isn't quite layed out right as in :

instead of

it says
DPassword.......like the file responsible for this gui login became
somehow corrupt.....

it takes threee or so trys before finally getting a "normal" :) login for
login/password combo which then lets me in....

but thats not all.....sometimes I can login with regular user due to two
files that are being created in /etc....they are login and login.boot i
believe.....i delete them via root login and i'm back to normal till next

anyone else seeing this ? :)


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