Re: How do I make an icon and put it on the desktop?

On Wed, 03 Jan 2001 10:01:21 Michael J. Weed wrote:
>I have adjusted my Panel to my liking, but now would like to add several
>icons to my desktop.  I'd like a printer icon, 

I'm not sure you can have a printer icon on your desktop, but you can have
one on your panel that does the same thing; drag a file onto it to print.
Right-click o the panel, select Panel -> Add to Panel -> Applet -> Utility
-> Printer applet.

>cd-writer icon, floppy

Edit your /etc/fstab so that these devices are user-mountable (add "user" to
the 4th column). Then right-click on the desktop and select "Rescan

>file manager (gmc) icon, 

There should be a folder named "Home directory" on your desktop. If not,
create a symlink to your home directory from a command line:

  cd ~/.gnome-desktop
  ln -s ../ "Home directory"

>e-macs icon, 

Right-click on the desktop and select New -> Launcher. You should be able to
figure it out from there.

>zip drive icon.

Similar to "file manager" above if it has not already appeared after you
edited fstab for your other drives.

Anthony E. Greene <agreene pobox com> <>
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