On Wed, 2001-12-05 at 03:04, bkail wrote:
> Does anyone know where I could get a list of supported sound cards for 
> Gnome running under FreeBSD 4.3?  My Yamaha DS-XG works under FreeBSD/KDE, 
> but not under Gnome (either Sawfish, or Enlightenment flavors.)  Some one 
> suggested an ALSA driver, but I beleive this only is geared to Linux, and 
> appears not compatible with FreeBSD.

Gnome itself doesn't support soundcards as does KDE. Its programs just
use the sound API of your OS. 

AFAICT if the soundcard works with KDE it also works with GNOME. Could
you describe the issue in greater detail? Maybe we can help you.

(First guess (keep in mind that I don't know FreeBSD at all):
start up gnome and look if esd is running)

Markus Bertheau

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