RE: Please shut up or answer this: how to unsubscribe

That response reminded me of the proverb: "Better to remain silent and be
thought the fool than to speak and remove all doubt".

Perhaps we should start a new project, a revival of an old military joke
form: Form ID10T. Anyone want to help draft the form?

-----Original Message-----
From: Nicolas E. Fosdick [mailto:nfosdick yahoo com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2001 9:16 PM
To: Stephen Villano; Gnome-List (E-mail)
Subject: RE: Please shut up or answer this: how to unsubscribe

I have never heard so much fucking bitching ever.  You people that are
bitching about how stupid people are make me sick.  I guess since you are so
perfect and know everthing that you never make a mistake.  Computers are
everything, and you are computer gods.  Shut the fuck up...shit!

-----Original Message-----
From: gnome-list-admin gnome org [mailto:gnome-list-admin gnome org]On
Behalf Of Stephen Villano
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2001 11:13 PM
To: Gnome-List (E-mail)
Subject: RE: Please shut up or answer this: how to unsubscribe

I've been wondering for some time if perhaps a TRUE IQ test should also be
extended to computer useage, such as being able to follow the instructions
to subscribing and unsubscribing to mailing lists.
Nah, I have had too many lusers dummy com who couldn't even master doing a
windows logon to their corporate domain. Or even the importance of HAVING a
password for their logon when the server is directly connected (against my
advice) to the internet.
Oh well, if stupid people weren't permitted to breed more stupid people we
wouldn't have political leaders...

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael H. Warfield [mailto:mhw wittsend com]
Sent: Friday, August 24, 2001 6:19 PM
To: Lionel Lecoq
Cc: Loban Amaan Rahman; Telsa Gwynne; gnome-list gnome org
Subject: Re: Please shut up or answer this: how to unsubscribe

On Fri, Aug 24, 2001 at 01:18:00PM -0700, Lionel Lecoq wrote:
> I don't know whether it will help much I am on another
> list where the information is spelled out at the
> bottom of each post and some people beg and plead for
> days for information how to unsubscribe...

	It won't help.

	I manage a server with over 120 lists and over 50,000 subscribers.
The best effect was to add the notice AT THE TOP of every message.  It
royally SUCKS but the clueless wonders never page down far enough or
pay attention enough to read instructions at the bottom.

	The second best thing was to add some "janitor scripts".  Our
site is a majordomo site.  Mailman and a few others already have these,
but I did some perl code to remind people once a month about what lists
they were on.  If it bounced or if they replied, they wre removed from
all of our lists.  The janitor scripts blow away over 1,000 subscriptions
every month.  That's how many "go bad" or want off.  It also takes out
a number of id10t's that misuse vacation programs...  But that's a bonus.

	Now...  If someone complains that they can not unsubscribe,
and I can't figure out how they are subscribed (you would be $#$#@ amazed)
then I just tell them to wait till the next reminder and reply to it.
The level of complaints have dropped by over two orders of magnitude!


 Michael H. Warfield    |  (770) 985-6132   |  mhw WittsEnd com
  (The Mad Wizard)      |  (678) 463-0932   |
  NIC whois:  MHW9      |  An optimist believes we live in the best of all
 PGP Key: 0xDF1DD471    |  possible worlds.  A pessimist is sure of it!

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