Re: Frustrated Pilot user

tshanno luc edu (2001-04-15 at 1049.56 -0500):
> Despite what I said, the problem turned out to be a permissions issue.
> After "chmod 666 /dev/ttyS0" everything worked well.

A better approach would be to create a group for the pilot, and use it
instead of allowing anyone to use the port for fun (even in machines
with one user).

Or if your system has it, use the PAM system, so the first user that
logins, gets the device. In my case the file to configure this is
/etc/security/console.perms, and it includes /dev/pilot. So if you use
the symlink, the system will change the permission as needed (and
probably you will have avoided all the problems you had).

For the record, it includes lots of devices, that should be configured
with symlinks (by system tools when installing / adding hw, or by
admin if changes are needed) and make things a lot easier, cos not
only you configure apps once, but it also handles all the permissions.
And if people found that permissions change magically, it is probably
due this.


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