Re: streaming audio for gnome

I tried freeamp but the website that i'm trying to get the audio from does a check to make sure you're using windows media player (or a player that recognizes .wmf files).

Cédric Lamalle wrote:

did you try FreeAMP ? It works with some kind of streaming audio :
*  Play songs over the Internet through HTTP unicast streaming (ShoutCast),
or RTP multicast streaming (Obsequiem).
* Supports IceCast style title streaming.
* Save ShoutCast and IceCast streams locally to your computer for offline


Em Segunda 02 Abril 2001 13:50, Joel Brissenden escreveu:
> Does anyone know of a streaming audio player for gnome? I'm trying to
> listen to something from a website that requires Windows media player, and
> I want to try a streaming audio player for linux to listen in. any ideas?
> --
> Joel Brissenden                 Acrylis, Inc.
>      73 Princeton St.
> tel: 1 978 251 1987 x235        N. Chelmsford, MA 01863
> fax: 1 978 251 1989             USA

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Joel Brissenden                 Acrylis, Inc.      73 Princeton St.
tel: 1 978 251 1987 x235        N. Chelmsford, MA 01863
fax: 1 978 251 1989             USA

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