FW: ANNOUNCE: gnome-print 0.23

Paul Barnfather writes:
 > > - Fixed the libunicode problem (Michael)
 > Do I need to rebuild gnome-libs to pick up libunicode?
 > ./configure fails to find libunicode-0.4 for me.
 > It seems to check for it with `gnome-config --modversion unicode`,
 > which reports "Unknown library `unicode'", even though it
 > is installed.
Edit the configure script and (if you really have libunicode 0.4)

s/`gnome-config --modversion unicode`/`echo unicode-0.4`/;
s/(".* `gnome-config --libs .*) unicode`"/"$1` -lunicode -lz"/;

The fact is that there is no unicodeConf.sh in the libunicode 0.4

  *  Philippe Defert: Information Technology Division                    *
  *                   CERN,  European Laboratory for Particle Physics    *
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  *      Un monde nouveau, tu comprends                          ////\   *
  *      Rien ne sera plus jamais comme avant                    \\\//   *
  *      C'est la fin de l'histoire, le rouge apres le noir       | |    *
  *                                                  J.J. Goldman | |    *  

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