Re: upgrading to RH7.0 despite Helix?

Jan wrote: 
> Read a thread on here about helix being incompatible with RH7.0?
> Is this just the installer/upgrader of Helix?

Not entirely.  There are other incompatibilities; we've had to recompile
a lot of the packages for Red Hat 7.0 (even the ones we had originally
compiled for Red Hat 6.9.5 in preparation for Red Hat 7.0).

That much being said, the installer/updater will also need updating
(though you should only ever need the installer once, it's something we
need to take care of).  Users will need to download a new updater (once
it's available), since the old one won't work under Red Hat 7.0.  This
is mostly due to changes in RPM.

> If i upgrade to RH7.0 can i still use the already installed Gnome-Helix
> and just wait until there is support or won't i then be able anymore
> to ever upgrade my Helix installation?

RH7.0 clobbers almost all of Helix GNOME.  It's still GNOME 1.2, but it
does look a bit different.  Until Red Hat 7.0 is supported by Helix
Code, the Helix updater won't work, either.  That should change soon,

> So should i wait for Helix or can i already upgrade to RH7.0?

Helix GNOME will be available for Red Hat 7.0 in the very near
future.  Your call.

-Mark Gordon

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