Gnome terminal moves after reboot

	This is an interesting problem that I have had for quite some
time.  I have no idea if this is an open problem (searching the bug
section didn't seem to pull anything, although I am sure someone else is
using different terminology/symptoms, etc.)
	I like to keep a number of gnome-terminals running in a particular
workspace/virtual desktop (I mean, this is fairly common, yes?).  Anyways,
upon rebooting the system, I find that my gnome-terminals are moving
ever-so-slightly to the right and down.  No other application seems to do
this (ie. xemacs, file-manager, etc.)  Is there anywhere where I can lock
the coordinates of the gnome-terminal down?  I thought that saving the
session would do this for me?  Alas the answer is no.

Any thoughts/ideas?


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 CS Graduate student at the University of Waterloo
 Contact me:
   - glmclearn math ANTI-SPAM uwaterloo ca
   - aa627 chebucto ANTI-SPAM ns ca
   - (519) 888-4567 x3399
 finger://glmclear math ANTI-SPAM uwaterloo ca

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