question regarding mime types - please help

Hi all

I'm trying to associate a certain MIME TYPE with an application command.

I go and add a mime type to the Settings->MimeType program and I add:
Mime type: application/Reader
Extension: .tet

I then press OK and go back and edit it(my new mime type). It now allows
me to type in a "open" command.
I type in : java -jar test.jar
(this is supposed to take in the file I double click on as a
parameter... is this correct or is there a need to put some kind of $1
at the end)
I press Ok and relogin to make sure the new type is accepted. I then go
to a file of type .tet using the GNOME file manager (xfm) and I double
click on it but nothing happens.

I have successfully done this using KDE. Am I missing some step? Under
extension I have also tried removing the dot from tet...

Regards and TIA
Jose Correia
Exinet (pty) Ltd


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     ) /^\) ^\/ _)        =_"Positive thinking - a great way  )
     )   /^\/   _)         (_        to face life"             )
     )   _ /  / _)          (        Jose Correia            )
 /\  )/\/ ||  | )_)          (_    jose exinet co za        )
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