Gnome+Tektronix NC421 xterminal

I have noticed a strange problem trying to run Gnome either from a linux
box or a solaris box using a Tektronix NC421 xterminal.  Soon after I
log in and the panel gets going, the terminal locks up (no mouse
movement, no keyboard response) periodically (locked up for about a
second, then normal for about a second).  This behavior seems to be due
to the thumbnail window fills in the deskguide applet:  if the option is
on it happens (and the periodicity of the effect seems tied to the
incremental update delay value), and if I turn it off, everything is
fine.  I don't have this problem on other xterms (for instance, a
tektronix XP400).  Another (minor) problem I notice on the NC421 is a
lockup while gnome is starting.  Right after I login, the terminal
freezes up (no mouse movement) for 5-10 seconds, then things proceed
normally (assuming I have turned off the thumbnails in deskguide).

Anyway, I just thought I would see if anyone else has seen this problem
-- I guess it is a problem with the NC421 xserver?   Anyone know what
might cause this problem?  I don't use the NC421 all that often, and I
can certainly turn off the thumbnails when I do, I suppose. 

My setup -- linux box is RH7.0 + latest Helix.  Solaris is 2.6, with
hand compiled 1.2.8 gnome-libs, 1.2.3 gnome-core, 1.2.8 glib, 1.2.8

Troy Carter
tcarter princeton edu

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