Global menu configuration

	Hello, I was searching the archived messages and could not find an
answer to my problem.  Perhaps one (some) of you can help me.  What I want
to do is modify the global menu to add and remove items from the
gnome global menu.  The menu editor does not seem to offer this
functionality, and the control-centre application only allows items to be
removed from it (or moved around).  What I would like to do is to add
things like the help applet to the global menu (for example).  Is it
possible to do this?  I assume that the menus are stored in a file
_somewhere_, but I can't seem to locate that/those particular file(s).

	Can someone give me a pointer on how to do this (or an address
where I could find out)?  Thanks a lot.  If possible, please CC responses
to 'aa627 chebucto ns ca' since I am not receiving the batch news.

Thanks again,

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 \____|_|  \___|\__, | |_|  |_|\___|_____\___|\__,_|_|  |_| |_|
 CS Graduate student at the University of Waterloo
 Contact me:
   - glmclearn math ANTI-SPAM uwaterloo ca
   - aa627 chebucto ANTI-SPAM ns ca
   - (519) 888-4567 x3399
 finger://glmclear math ANTI-SPAM uwaterloo ca

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