Problem Installing gIDE

Dear All

I've just got hold of a book which is from Wrox Press.  For more info
about Wrox have a look at......

This is called "Beginning GTK+/Gnome Programming".  It's really good
for people like myself who don't know much about Gnome and would like
to learn more.  Written by Peter Wright and worth every penny :-)

My question is as follows......

1/ When I downloaded gIDE the download page said to download
libglade.rpm.  I did that and then I did "rpm -i
libglade-0.7-1.i386.rpm".  The message that came back was " file
/opt/gnome/lib/ from install of libglade of
libglade 0.7-1 conflicts with file from package libglad-0.11-52". How
do I get out of this and get gIDE to work  ???

2/ When I unpacked gide-0.3.0 and ran ./configure from root I got the
following error message.........

"checking for gnome-config....  no
checking for file in usr/local/lib.....  not found
configure: error:  Could not find the file that is
generated by gnome-libs install"

How do I get gIDE ./configure to see this on my system ??  I have a
working SuSE 6.4 system it's all in there.  how do I get gIDE to
understand that ?

Thank you

Sheffield Linux
User's Group
Sheffield UK

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