RE: Can I install GNOME in Red Hat 5.2

On 03-May-00 Raffaele Borrelli wrote:
> Hello,
> I use Red Hat 5.2 on computer with alpha processor,
> can I install GNOME? and how can I do?
> I read about many libraries dipendencies in GNOME and I 
> don't know if Red Hat 5.2 has alla of them.
> Thank you. 

        No, libxml, ORBit, libghttp, and libgtop, just to name a
few, are missing. You will also need to upgrade/install the latest
versions of glib and gtk+. You will also want to add the DocBook
software so that the help files for GNOME get built. Then there's
esound, audiofile, and on, and on. It's a two- or three-day 

        I've attached my notes from doing this on a RH5.2/i386 system.
The steps you'll have to go through should be similar. Since then, I've
learned that you can build RPMS out of most of the GNOME and GNOME-
related tarballs, rather than having to compile them as I did. I suggest
you try running "rpm -tb --clean <tarball file>" followed by 
"rpm -Uvh /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/alpha/<RPM file(s) created from tarball>"
rather than doing the configure/make all/make install steps as I did. 
Also note that the version numbers are _way_ out of date, and I didn't 
install DocBook at the time.

        Hope this helps, but remember that I did this several months
ago, so there are no guarantees.

Date: 03-May-00  Time: 11:58:47

Craig Orsinger                  (email: <>)
Logicon Advanced Technology
Bldg. 8B28                      "Just another megalomaniac with ideas above his
6th & F Streets                 station. The Universe is full of them."
Ft. Lewis, WA   98433                   - The Doctor


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