Re: To link gnome apps

On Wed, May 03, 2000 at 10:47:12AM -0700, Ezequiel wrote:
> I have read this is not a list for programmers, but perhaps someone out
> there might help me. I am trying to create my first gnome apps, using
> examples from a tutorial I found in the gnome site. The problem is, the code
> seems to compile Ok (I had to look up for gtk headers throughout the hole
> disk,though ), but when linking, the compiler does'nt find the libs for
> gtk/gnome. The tutorial says, there is a program called gtk who can tell me
> the options I need to compile and link gnome apps, as a mather of fact, you
> can use it in your make file as an argument to the compiler to avoid having
> to learn all those parameters, include and lib options, but I can't find nor
> the program neither the libs menctioned in the tutorial.

The program is called gtk-config.  To get the CFLAGS needed for
compiling, you run gtk-config --cflags, and to get the LDFLAGS needed
for linking, you run gtk-config --libs.

Note that there is a similar program, gnome-config, which has a
slightly more complicated usage, as you need to know which GNOME
libraries you are using.  Try typing gnome-config --help to see the
help information.

Ian Peters  | GnuPG Key ID 5C23D20C    | Those who know what's best | E584 2558 FAC3 BEAB EFAC | for us must rise and save | FC74 CFED 7E24 5C23 D20C | us from ourselves...

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