Re: Desk-Guide hatching

On 26 Apr, Warren Young wrote:
> Alexander Volovics wrote:
>> I am using the Desk-Guide applet on my laptop and my PC
>> (both with RH 6.2 and the latest Helix Gnome).
>> On my laptop the selected desktop in DeskGuide has blue crosshatching.
>> On my PC both desktops are grey.
>> I don't see any differences in the configurations.
>> How can I activate the crosshatching on my PC?
> The Desk Guide chooses its colors from your Gtk theme.  Change it in the
> control panel to the default theme and you'll see the blue/gray scheme. 
> I'm using ThinIce right now, and see the all-gray look.

I've tried that and got nowhere with it. The closest I've come with my
available theme is to have the color of the currently selected window
changed in the pager and tasklist.

But . . .

After much wailing and gnashing of teeth (as well as some illicit
experiments secretly performed deep within the bowels of my secrect
laboratory) I have found the following truths to be not so self-evident:

8<snipped from my development copy of AquaX-GTK (pixmap engine)>8
# Some defaults as to how to draw boxes if they haven't already been covered

# 00May02: PRELIGHT affects:
#   * the GIMP's toolbox widgets during mouse-over
#   * the Deskguide pager's currently selected task
    image {
        function        = BOX
        recolorable     = TRUE
        state           = PRELIGHT
        file            = "box-highlight.png"
        border          = { 1, 1, 1, 1 }
        stretch         = TRUE
# 00May02: ACTIVE (w/ shadow IN) affects:
#   * the GIMP's toolbox currently selected toolbox widget
#   * the Deskguide taskbar currently selected task button
    image {
        function        = BOX
        recolorable     = TRUE
        state           = ACTIVE
        shadow          = IN
        file            = "box-highlight.png"
        border          = { 1, 1, 1, 1 }
        stretch         = TRUE
# 00May02: ACTIVE (w/ shadow OUT) affects:
#   * the Deskguide pager current desktop background
    image {
        function        = BOX
        recolorable     = TRUE
        state           = ACTIVE
        shadow          = OUT
        file            = "box-select.png"
        border          = { 1, 1, 1, 1 }
        stretch         = TRUE
# 00May02: ACTIVE (w/o shadow) affects:
#   * the Deskguide pager desktop backgrounds
    image {
        function        = BOX
        recolorable     = TRUE
        state           = ACTIVE
        file            = "box-shadow.png"
        border          = { 1, 1, 1, 1 }
        stretch         = TRUE
# 00May02: SELECTED affects: ??
    image {
        function        = BOX
        recolorable     = TRUE
        state           = SELECTED
#       shadow          = IN
        file            = "box-select.png"
        border          = { 1, 1, 1, 1 }
        stretch         = TRUE
# 00May02: Shadow=IN (without state) affects:
#   * the Deskguide taskbar background
#   * the GIMP's border box for selected dialog buttons
    image {
        function        = BOX
        recolorable     = TRUE
        shadow          = IN
        file            = "box-shadow.png"
        border          = { 1, 1, 1, 1 }
        stretch         = TRUE
# 00May02: Our final declaration:
    image {
        function        = BOX
        recolorable     = TRUE
        file            = "box-normal.png"
        border          = { 1, 1, 1, 1 }
        stretch         = TRUE

class "GtkWidget" style "default"
8<end of excerpt>8

Yes, boys and girls, you need to declare a default ACTIVE-state box w/
shadow=IN,OUT,none (as well as both a PRELIGHT box w/o shadow (or =OUT)
and a normal box w/ shadow=IN to properly color the Deskguide applet.

For my next trick, watch me pull a lion out of my hat . . .

-- |
       Organization: The Pennswald Group -- Linux powered!!
gpg fingerprint: 8D3F 4BFF D36B BFCC FEE5  86A0 2AAF D3DA C395 641E

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