RE: gnome-core / gnome-applets 1.1.5 "Intimidating Rainbow" released

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chuck Dale []
> Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2000 6:37 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: gnome-core / gnome-applets 1.1.5 "Intimidating Rainbow"
> released
> There was an interesting article that was linked from LWN 
> some time back
> which compared the Mac and Windows user interfaces, highlighting the
> many mistakes that Microsoft had made. One of the gripes mentioned was
> the menuing code. Macs include a number of algorithms and assumptions
> that make menuing much easier. For example smart timeouts for moving
> among menus - having a longer timeout if the mouse is moving in a
> certain direction etc.
> Sorry if this has been discussed before but I was thinking 
> about it the
> other day as I drove myself mad going into a deep menu hierarchy. The
> current code seems very simplistic but then I'm running quite an old
> Gnome (core 1.0.4) so perhaps it has been looked at in the later
> releases.
> If there has already been discussion on this or anyone knows 
> of relevant
> sites for looking at the issues in making menus as easy to navigate as
> possible for users then please send some links.

Look for the stuff on the GNOME UI Hitsquad (or is that just the UI
Hitsquad?).  There is a webpage for them on, someplace.  

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