Re: Help with instalation for Debian

Ezequiel wrote:
> Hi,
> I am planing to install helix gnome in a debian system 2.1 (slink), but when
> I go to helix's download site, all I see is a method for debian Woody. can
> anyone tell me if that install works for Debian slink ? Or else point me to
> a place where I can read some information or get some help to get helix
> gnome running in my Debian slink system ?
> Thanks to all

Slink is built on the old glibc 2.0 while the vast majority of software
in the past year or so has been glibc 2.1 which is what potato (2.1
soon) and woody (unstable) are built on.

I couldn't say whether Helix (or any) Gnome could be built let alone
installed on slink, but I'm sure someone here will pipe up if it is

Other than that, I'd upgrade to potato :)

James Green
Site Manager LNC

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