Re: default editor doesn't load file

Steve Howes wrote:
> Bob Waskosky wrote:
> >
> > I have the default editor set properly. The problem appears to be only with hidden files. Those that start with '.' like .procmailrc .
> >
> I have the same problem.  But only when I double click in the GMC window
> or use the 'open' command from the the right click window.  Using the
> 'edit' command from the window or start the editor from the command line
> WITH the file name produces the desired result, an open file.  I can
> only guess that GMC doesn't look in the file for the file type but uses
> the extention to open a file, and a file with no extention can't be
> identified.

A follow up to this.

I have discovered that the editor GMC/CooEdit will open those hidden

Steve - Cheltenham, UK
In love and light we are
In darkness we are no less

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