CVS Read access problems

    I'm having strange problems accessing the GNOME cvs base. The
problem can best be described through an example. Currently the
ChangeLog file in my gnome-vfs repository is 1.351, the latest version
in the CVS
tree as shown by accessing

is 1.357. Whenever I run

cvs -q update -Pd

in my repository, to bring mine to update  with the main repository
nothing happens, i.e. it does not update anything.  I have always used
this cvs command to update my repository in the past and it has always
worked. However, in the last week it appears that it hit and miss
whether it works. In the morning it might work, but by afternoon it
might stop working and then resume working in the morning, but in each
case that it fails to do anything I can check the web site and discover
that changes have gone in and updates should have been pulled down.
I have tried waiting several hours in case there is some time lag
between what the web site says and when the CVS base is updated, all to
no avail still nothing happens.

Has anybody else seen this?  Does anybody know who to contact regarding
cvs access problems?

I have tried this on two different connections, one that goes through a
firewall and one that doesn't, and
in both cases I have the same problem.

Also it appears that one of the round robin sites ( for
the CVS base does not answer connect requests. The above cvs command
will hang until it timeouts.

Any comments are appreciated,

PS - I understand perfectly well that code out of CVS may or may not
work, but if I choose to live on the
bleeding edge, at least the blood should be the latest :-)

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