Re: Binaries from GNOME project

Thanks (to the list) for addressing my concerns.

Cory Watson wrote:
> >I do not see any problem: you can get the source and do it yourself, get the
> >SRPM or RPM from Helix, or from you distro maker. Everybody can do what he
> >wants, no?

No. I don't have one of my preferred choices: get my software (binaries
in this case) only and directly from open source projects.

Of course, I know that I can't force anybody to provide the binaries. I
just /regret/ that nobody wants to do it.

> >What is the problem? Helix becoming official distribution of GNOME?


> He is merely expressing concern that Helix looks to be dominating GNOME's
> distribution.

Well, they *are*. Go to <>, it sends you to
Helixcode. Try to
get them from your Linux distributor, it is likely to give you the
packages from Helixcode.

> He just needs to be reassure
> that freedom of choice comes first, and commercial comes second.

Yes, this was an important point.

I was glad to have been assured that the GNOME project is unbiased and
just nobody else happened to provide binaries. Assuming Redhat's OK, it
would be nice, if you could link to Redhat's GNOME distribution as soon
as it is available.


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