Re: Binaries from GNOME project

>Could you explain it then? I do not understand the theme. What is the
>problem? Helix becoming official distribution of GNOME? Distributions using
>Helix as makers of the distro packages? The first is not really true...
>after all, lot of people install software that does not come with the
>distro, or different versions. The second is not bad, it is subcontrating
>(if that word exists in English), and achieving a similar quality level for
>all... and keeping all the people in latest software too.
>I do not see any problem: you can get the source and do it yourself, get the
>SRPM or RPM from Helix, or from you distro maker. Everybody can do what he
>wants, no?

Sure, he was merely under the impression that Helix was taking over 
GNOME.  He is worried that Helix could stifle some other companies attempts 
to use GNOME.  I see his point, but I am well aware that GNOME welcomes 
anyone who wants to help, and if a company wanted to do something similar, 
or different from Helix, they would welcome that company.

He is merely expressing concern that Helix looks to be dominating GNOME's 
distribution.  I _see_ his point, but I don't necessarily agree ;)

Sure, Helix is doing a great thing, our concerned writer just wanted to 
make sure every has a shot at it, and that choice is preserved.  I don't 
use HelixCode either, I prefer my tarballs, and if someone took those from 
me, I'd be mad! ;)

I know you don't see a problem, neither do I.  He just needs to be reassure 
that freedom of choice comes first, and commercial comes second.

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