Re: Binaries from GNOME project

>> >3. I consider it being unfair to other distributors to drive users to
>> >one certain company, making theirs the "official" distribution
>>I do not get it.
>I understand the point he's making, but _currently_ only HelixCode is doing 
>this.  I have no problem with it.  I'm sure that if anyone else began such 
>endeavors that the GNOME website would reflect such a thing.

Could you explain it then? I do not understand the theme. What is the
problem? Helix becoming official distribution of GNOME? Distributions using
Helix as makers of the distro packages? The first is not really true...
after all, lot of people install software that does not come with the
distro, or different versions. The second is not bad, it is subcontrating
(if that word exists in English), and achieving a similar quality level for
all... and keeping all the people in latest software too.

I do not see any problem: you can get the source and do it yourself, get the
SRPM or RPM from Helix, or from you distro maker. Everybody can do what he
wants, no?


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