Re: How do I stop gmc from starting when logging in as root

----- Original Message -----
From: Mike Kistler <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Saturday, July 22, 2000 7:10 PM
Subject: How do I stop gmc from starting when logging in as root

> Hello!
> I would like to stop gmc (the gnome file manager) from starting up
> whenever
> I log in as root.  I don't use gmc very often, and it displays this
> annoying error
> message about running it as root.  I know this question has been asked
> many
> times before, but the only answer I've seen is to "save the current
> session" without
> gmc running.  On my system (RH 6.2), this doesn't stop gmc from starting
> ... it
> just makes sure to kill it once it has forced me to click "okay" on its
> error message.
> Many thanks in advance for any help or advice on this.
> Regards,
> Mike Kistler

Although this isn't the advice you want (and I don't mean to sound like an
ass :-) but there really is no reason for you to be loging into Gnome as
root. it's just asking for trouble.


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