Re: RH Gnome Sucks ?

On Thu, Jul 20, 2000 at 12:41:02PM -0500, Thomas R. Shannon wrote:
> On Thu, 20 Jul 2000 17:46:41 +0100 you wrote:
>  > In today's LWN Miguel is quoted as having said that: If you are thinking
>  > that GNOME sucks, however, it's probably "because you are using Red Hat's
>  > version."
>  > 
>  > I just can't believe the Gnome leader is bashing a company that has always
>  > been so supportive of this project (not only for including Gnome as their
>  > primary desktop but also by producing lots of code for the project).
> I'm guessing that he meant a version which was distributed
> with Red Hat (i.e. an old one).

Yeah, that's what I took it to mean.  Quite a common thread of
conversation, on this list and others:

"Hey Gnome sux"
"What version you using?"
"Whatever comes with RH 6"
"Ah.  Upgrade..."

IIRC, RH released 6.0 (or was it 6.1) just before October Gnome, which
was by any measure a massive improvement on what was being shipped with


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