Re: nohup, grabbing x windows from other machines, and gnome

>Please point me at the right place to understand this better.

A forum about X.

>I run pan on one machine.  I want to start a download that will keep
>going even if the X session closes. I'm reading the nohup documents and
>it seems to be made for this kind of thing, but it doesn't work at all. 
>When X shuts down, the pan program quits, nohup or not.

It quits cos detects a problem with X: no X. Or at least that is what I
suppose. Of course, it will be cool to have such feature, and be able to
move apps from one display to another.

>Suppose I go to another machine on the network, and I want to see the
>pan window running on the other machine.  Is there a way to grab its
>display to the current machine, or to ssh to the first one and export it
>from the other machine to the current one?  I know it is possible to
>throw an xterm at start time, for example, to another display, but it
>never occured how nice it would be to grab the display of a program that
>is running until now.

Maybe you could use VNC. That way the app always runs, even without normal X
running. When you want to see it, from any machine, connect a client to the
VNC server and you see window.


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