Some icons missing

I have Slackware 7.1 and it comes with 1.2 but it has Sawmill compiled as
its default wm so i uninstalled the core package so as to overcome this
problem as i notice on closer inspection of ./configure --help that you
could tell it which wm you wanted as the default so i put in icewm where it
says =NAME don't know if putting icewm in =NAME like that is right or not
but it seemed to be because when i next typed startx gnome started with ice
as its WM but it started up minus a few icons , not all of them , just some
of them like the the foot and another one the is right next to it on the
right and im guessing some are missing out of the bar it puts at the top and
im also guessing its missing some from the foot menu as some entries have
icons and some don't. Any help would be appreciated on this , Oh by the way
the reason i compiled the source and left the rest as the way the pkgtool
did it was because i was havern a hasssle with getting it to make ice the
default wm as it was trying to always find Sawmill.

Thanx Darryl

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