Re: Newbie questions

> > > I'm new to Gnome and been away from Linux for several years. I have 2
> > > questions, both of which are likely easy. I've searched everywhere for the
> > > answers... My system is RH 6.1 with Gnome and Enlightenment.
> > >
> > > First, when I startx as root I get a warning message from Gnome about
> > > running file manager as root. Until I get things setup I'll always be
> > root.
> > > I would love to shut off this warning.
> >
> > This has been asked before and the answer is always no. It's a little
> > anoyence the time or two that you log in as root but if you log in as root
> > more often than that then you'r doing something wrong.
> That's absolutely ridiculous. I can understand the intention to not make
> it easy, but refusing to help someone turn it off when they understand the
> issue is just plain wrong. Can someone be helpful and point this gentleman
> to wherever in the source the message is generated, so he can comment it
> out?

I believe that just yesterday (or was it the day before?) somebody
posted a patch to turn this off, and/or make it optional on a linux
newsgroup.  Sorry I can't be more specific, but a search on deja about
this feature in recent messages should yeild something quickly.

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